My sweet son,
It was eleven years ago today that I learned something big. I learned that the human heart has more capacity for love than one can even imagine. Like a lot of moms, I worried when I was pregnant. I worried about getting you here safely. I worried about how I would be mom to two. I worried too much. I remember looking at your big brother (who was then just two years old) and thinking, "I love this boy so much! My heart feels FULL of love for him, how can it get any fuller?" I have only two words to share about that... God knew.
God knew that as I carried you, my heart was beginning to expand. God knew that when they placed you on my chest for the first time, and I saw your precious face, my heart would suddenly have this gaping hole that I previously knew nothing about... filled by my love for you. God knew about you, and He knew that the love that you would bring into our lives would even be different than what we had already experienced with Luke.
From the beginning you had your own uniqueness. You were a quiet baby, loving to be snuggled, but also longing for your own alone time too. In other words, you loved your bed and sleep (you STILL do). You always viewed eating as an option, not a necessity. If I didn't intentionally wake you and feed you on a schedule, you probably would have starved! As you grew bigger and started to accomplish things such as walking and talking, we noticed that you were quite the book scholar. You were happiest when sitting by the bookshelf pulling books off and quietly turning through the pages. We had a few favorites that you would snuggle up on the couch with and let me or dad read to you. You LOVED your big "Bruh-ber". You wanted to do everything that he was doing. In fact, your determination made most of that possible. Even now... that is something that hasn't changed much.
As an eleven year old boy now, we are starting to understand more about your unique design. You are sweet and gentle... yet strong minded and firm. God made you that way with such purpose, Colby! He has incredible plans for you. As your parents, we pray for you everyday. We pray that your purpose will only become more clear to you as you become a man. We pray that your decisions will always be guided by your Maker. We pray that the love that you have shared in our home will be shared with the world.
Happy birthday Colby! I'm thankful that on this day eleven years ago I learned about the capacity of my heart. I'm thankful that on THIS day, my heart is the fullest it has ever been with the love that I have for my three beautiful boys.
I love you...
Aaaahhh Mama T....precious words to your #2! I feel your "fullness"!
I think you need a new font. This one seems to make my eyes water when I read copious amounts!
Oh Mom... I don't think it's the font. I believe that in your older age (notice that I didn't say OLD age? I'm nice like that) your tear ducts are getting a little ummm... shall I say, RELAXED? Well, that AND you've been away from home for awhile, so you're probably missing these beautiful boys of mine. :0)
It's nice to know that my mother's eyes are watering though...
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