For eighteen years I have
wondered what this day would look like and feel like. There was a time when it
felt like this day was so far into the future, it was hard to even imagine. On
that day I was probably cleaning up your cheerios under the couch cushions or
watching you slide down the big swirly slide at the park.
This day came too soon. As
many say, it snuck up on me furiously. Time paid no attention to my demands to
stop the clock or at the very least, slow down. It was just the opposite. The
more time marched on, the faster it’s march became. The days of watching you at
the park have turned to moments of witnessing you become the man that you are
today. It has been an honor, and at times, even breathtaking to see what God
has done in you, Lucas.
A few weeks ago I shared a
thought with you. I told you that in a lot of ways I look up to you. Your calm
and pleasant demeanor is incredibly admirable. I see your positive attitude in
most everything and I desire to be the same with all the crazy twists and turns
that life sometimes hands me. Admittedly so, there have been moments when I
have questioned how you could remain so level headed and pleasant with some of
the things you’ve encountered. It doesn’t take long for me to remember that
that’s just who you are. You always have been. I even remember my past writings
about how our family has been so blessed by the peacemaker that you are. You
bring peace. Peace dwells within your heart. It dwells there, and spills out
everywhere around you. That’s a quality that I think most anybody would look up
to and desire to have.
So here we are on this day
when the curtain of Act One is closing and we will begin to see the opening of
Act Two. What does it look like? Well, it certainly looks promising. It’s not
hard to notice all of the many accomplishments in all areas of your life. It’s
easy to see that the Lord has some GREAT things planned for you! I’ve always
known He would use you in big ways, and it was music to my ears a couple of
years ago when you came to me and said that you wanted to choose a career path
that would allow you to witness to who your God is and what He is capable of.
You are on your way, son! More importantly, what does this day feel like for a
mom letting go of her first? The first word I think of is ‘peace’. I have peace
in my heart today. I see that you are ready, so that gives me the peace that I
need to accept that I too, am ready. It is no accident that this word
overwhelms me concerning you. It is truly by His design. So although I know I
will not get through this day without a normal amount of tears, I am ready to
see all the coming days, weeks, months and years and all that they hold for
you. You have made this Mama heart
proud, Lucas, and I know that you will continue to spread your light and peace
into this world… Allowing many more moments of this Mama looking up to her son.
I love you so much.
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