Saturday, October 12, 2013

Furious Love

I am just simply watching as they gather what they have proclaimed "essentials" and head out the door...

They are 16, 14 and 12 now, these boys of mine. Time seems to steal most of their moments of creativity away anymore. They have places to be, people to "hang" with, jobs to be at, and homework that calls their names. The days of watching them explore together as brothers are distant and sweet to recall.

Today is different though. This October day has beckoned them, and they have listened and chased after it. All three brothers ran out the door with big rubber boots, hats to cover their heads and shade their faces, and a back pack full of drinks, cookies and nuts to sustain them while they are out. When I asked them where they were headed off to and what their plan was, the answer was different from each one. One said something about salamander hunting, while the other replied with a "Not sure. Just going out to see what's out there."

I love that...

They are growing still. They are growing into men so quickly before my eyes. It is such a bittersweet emotion that holds it's grasp so strongly to my heart strings. I love to think of the days gone past, but I equally love to linger in these present hours and days. It is ALL so good.

My love for them has always been a furious love. There is no other love anything like it. From the moment I laid my eyes on their sweet, tiny bodies, I knew my heart would never be the same.... And it hasn't.

As they grow and change, my love for them only becomes more furious. It has evolved from a love that protects over their bodies, to a love that desires to protect their hearts and a love that protects their time. There are things here that want to steal our time! These things are GOOD things, but if we let them, they will rob us of moments like I have witnessed today. Moments of togetherness and creativity. This furious love is that of only a mother. This furious love doesn't want to miss a SINGLE moment.... From the tiniest of moments {such as salamander hunting} to the largest of them, I try my best to catch them all.

If you are reading this and you have little ones OR big ones, soak in the moments. Don't let a single one slip away without notice. This moment you're experiencing right now? It won't be back. The moment you lift that clean baby out of a bath tub and smell that bubble scented skin... It only lasts a moment. The day that you listen to them read their very first Cat In The Hat book will never come again. That minute that you watch them anxiously get behind the wheel with a set of keys for the very first time? Their face will never appear exactly the same as in that moment.

Love furiously... EVERYday.

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