Monday, October 26, 2009

Four Boys

Isn't this the CUTEST picture you've seen in a while??? They are BOTH cute, but the one I'm referring to is the one including my furry boy. I couldn't resist posting it. I've already made it my screen saver too. This past Friday we packed up "the crew" and headed for Apple Hill. For all of you who aren't locals, Apple Hill is located here in the foothills (but on the OTHER side of the canyon) and it's chock FULL of fun activities. There are apple farms every where and each one has something different to offer. There are crafters, bakers, ponds full of fish, train rides, pony rides... much to spend your money on if you so desire. Personally, we opt for the caramel apples and an occasional apple pie to take home. We don't spend as much money as we do time just walking around, enjoying the sites and mingling with other apple hill fans.

On our way home, we stopped in Coloma (an old gold mining town) and spent some time at the river. The boys made boats out of sticks and leaves and then raced them down the river. They skipped rocks and made bridges out of rocks. J and I took lots of pictures and cozied up on a rock and chatted about the boys and all of our many blessings. Copper hung out with the boys, and did whatever they were doing. The boys had climbed up on this small deck (actually it's part of a replica of an old mill) and they were looking over the edge across the river. At one point, one of them said...

"Wow... Look at that!"

Next thing we know, there's Copper... right up there with them. It seems he doesn't want to miss out on anything! It made for a perfect photo opportunity though. :0)

It's a good thing that we had such a glorious time on Friday. As of yesterday, all three are sick AGAIN! Seriously???? We are in the month of October, right? It's feeling a lot like February to me around here with all the tissues flying through the air and medicine spoons cluttering the dishwasher. UGH.... This too shall pass.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Taking a Break

This week we are on fall break. I LOVE fall break. Well, I guess I LOVE ALL breaks, but especially my fall one. My heart cozies up to my boys for a whole week of just playing and hanging out together. I get to linger over my coffee for a bit longer than usual. We all adore the colors of fall and the crispness in the air, so we get to take a break from the business of life and just savor it.

In some ways, I guess you could say that it sometimes feels like we are preparing for hibernation. Oh, wait... we're not bears, so I guess that's not actually allowed. Well, something similar at least. Our boys don't play any winter sports, so our schedules slow down A LOT and it really does FEEL like we almost hibernate.

Anyhow... I digress...

Back to our break. Today is Wednesday and so far this week we have gone hunting for our Halloween costumes and taken a trip to the pumpkin patch. Every year we shop around at thrift stores and find our costumes. We piece them together. It's more fun that way. It's just NOT fun going and buying the complete costume in a box or on a hanger. The boys and I look forward to this trip every year. I love to see their creativity change. Lucas chose to be a mad scientist, Colby chose to be the mad scientist's "experiment gone wrong", and Caleb chose to be a plumber. I know.. a PLUMBER?????? I'm telling you... my Caleb boy... he's something else! I will be sure to post pictures.

Our trip to the pumpkin patch was fun, as always. This year, for the first time ever.... the boys decided that they were too old for their regular trip to the patch. Apparently, the train is too small and full of "screaming little ones", and overall, they have outgrown it. :0(

HOWEVER... when Grammy Berta invited us to go to a patch with blow up castles and slides and HOMEMADE PUMPKIN MUFFINS... the overwhelming response was.... "Well, DUH, Ya!"

I'm so happy that they haven't truly outgrown the pumpkin patch.

We've been doing lots of other fun things this week, but the general theme has just been togetherness and it just doesn't get any better than that! Lots of hugs being tossed around... and even a few kisses here and there.

I love fall break!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today I am embracing all "things" beautiful in my life. These are just a few...

Listening to my children sing the words "He loves me... Oh, how He loves me" with the David Crowder Band in our car. These kinds of moments are among the MOST beautiful to me! There is absolutely NOTHING sweeter. ~

The glow of our first wood stove fire on a cold,blustery VERY wet fall day. ~

The smell of nut bread and coffee lingering through my house.... YUM! ~

Knowing that my boys are happy. Seeing their joy on their faces, as well as hearing it in their voices. ~

Like I said, these are just a few. There are too many to count. What do YOU find beautiful today?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Love Never Fails

This past weekend my honey and I celebrated 17 years of being married. I have been married to my best friend for SEVENTEEN years... WOW!

Our anniversary was the end of September, but we spent the actual day wiping noses and handing out medications to everyone... including me. God is good though... He knew we needed that special time as a family. A time to slow down and spend time here, in our "cave". He also knew that a week later... we would be celebrating in beautiful SNOW!

That's right... I never thought that we would be spending an anniversary in the snow, but that's just what we did. We spent the weekend together in Tahoe and BIG, gorgeous snow flakes fell all day on Sunday. It was so peaceful... so sweet... so romantic. Mmmmmmm.....

I am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. He is a wonderful husband and an exceptional father. My heart still skips a beat when he walks in the door at the end of the day. I realize that not everyone is so lucky to be able to say that. We have our issues, as everyone does. We both never stop trying though. We know that relationships are never just "done". They take work continually. They require 100 percent commitment.

Life brings all sorts of challenges. The storms that come sometimes seem so totally unbearable. One thing that J and I have always kept tucked inside of "us" is this...

Love never fails.

The scripture says it perfectly. It is the anthem of J and I's hearts. It is what has rescued us many times over. God's love for us, individually and as a married couple never fails. God's love for us is what makes our love for each other so strong. So unique. So lovely. This love that we have will never fail... as long as we always have that foundation.

Love is what matters the most.

Love never fails... yesterday.. today and always.

I love you J.

~ me