Saturday, March 27, 2010

He Takes "Keep Your Eye On The Ball" SERIOUSLY!

Here are a couple of updated photos. As you can see, he has developed a sense of humor about it.
We had a game last night. Well, long story, but it wasn't truly OUR game (as in our normal team). Another team was down two players, so they called us Thursday night and asked if they could "borrow" Luke for their game. Anyhow, we had a game last night. Except...

We didn't play.

Lucas didn't play anyhow. During the pre-game warm ups, he took an in-field ball hop right in the eye. OUCH! So...

They had a game last night.

We had a FIVE HOUR emergency room visit instead. He's fine. No broken bones. Just a very sore and gruesome looking eye for a couple of weeks. With any luck, it will be healed up before team pictures on the 17th.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Boy Stuff

I love to write what's on my heart, and it seems I do mostly that. It's been a long time since I wrote a post about the boys and what's going on in their lives though, so I think it's time.

Lucas continues to inspire me. He is growing up so fast and becoming an amazing young man who loves Jesus and desires to please Him. His passions are baseball and playing guitar. This past weekend he asked to talk to me after church. We went in his room and he proceeded to tell me that he felt like God has been telling him to use his talents in ways he hasn't before. He wants to play guitar with our worship team at church! Talk about bringing tears to a mother's eyes... He told me that he would like to talk to our music pastor himself about it. Wow... he's so grown up. How did that happen?

Colby is making us all proud too. He struggled a little bit with his grades during the first semester this year. It wasn't because his academics weren't there though. It was because he was enjoying the social life too much. After LOTS of talks and many weekends of being grounded, he finally came to us and said that he knew could do better, and that he would try harder. He has done a MARVELOUS job of improving! There's simply nothing sweeter than having your child come to you, admit his/her faults, praying about how to make the changes, and then seeing the change take place. He also came to us and told us that he wanted to read the bible front to back this year. He has been reading and I have so treasured the discussion times that we share about God's word.

Caleb can't wait to start swim team this summer! He opted out of baseball this year because in his words, he wanted to "save his energy for swim team". He continues to be a leader in his class, both academically and socially. He LOVES to help me with the little girl that I watch when he's home. He and Keirrah have the sweetest relationship. They pal around like best buddies and when Caleb isn't home, she misses him so much. It's been good for Caleb to experience being a big brother (part time, of course). Caleb still loves to snuggle with mom, which is good for a mommy's heart. It's hard as they all get older and become more independent! I've noticed where they need less of me, and more of their dad, but at the end of the day... Caleb is asking his mama to snuggle on the couch. Mmmmmm.... Love that!

I love these boys. They all inspire me and challenge me to be the best mom that I can be. To be the woman that God created me to be. They are miracles... each one of them. My heart smiles because of them. ~

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Landing Planes

Well friends.. Here I am. I lived to tell.

My trip was a whirlwind of non-stop action. From the moment I left the ground until the moment I walked in my door here at home, I was on the move. Actually, I'm still in that whirlwind of action here at home, but THAT action is what I'm used to!

Julie is now a married woman. She was a beautiful bride and the smile that was on her face was priceless! I'm so glad that I got to be there to see God's faithfulness at work. Rick is a great guy. Actually, he's perfect. I've been telling Julie for years that God had the "perfect" man chosen for her and it was her job to do the waiting until he came along. Julie, congratulations... You waited, and he came. The two of you were meant for each other!

That plane has landed.

I came through something that seemed so impossible for me and unbelievably scary. I'll be honest with ya'll... I had my first ever anxiety attack on Monday night last week (about 24 hours before I had to leave). I never knew what an anxiety attack felt like, but now I do... YUCK! After that, I felt a little less stressed about everything. It's almost like I just needed to be COMPLETELY honest with people around me about what was going on inside of me. J prayed with me and encouraged me to call my dad because he knows this kind of stuff (yes, I guess it's genetic). My dad assured me that he would know exactly what to pray and when to pray and that he would do exactly that. The night before I got on the plane I read some scripture. It came to me... I didn't go looking for it. God is good like that. It read...

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. ~ Jeremiah 29:11,12

This was the perfect scripture for me to take on those planes! Each time I got myself on the plane I recited it in my head. As we were taking off, I recited it again. Every time there was any bit of turbulence, I spoke it to myself over and over again. It was a gift... it was from God. I leaned on God in ways that I haven't in a long time. It felt good. It felt like I was stretching out some old, tired muscles that hadn't been used in a while. I put my trust in the One and Only, as I knew He was telling me that He had plans for my future, and it didn't include going down in an airplane!

Yet another plane had landed.

My boys all had a great time with their dad. They ate well and played hard. They got their school work done and they even had time and energy to do a couple of yard projects to surprise mom with. They missed me, but they all discovered (even my hubby) that they were self-sufficient men who could survive without me for a few days. Although... J informed me that he also discovered that he was not made to be a single man. " Life is much easier and a whole lot more fun when you're living it with someone that you love." Those were very sweet words to hear from him. Nobody has to guess anymore about what I do everyday as a wife and mom.

That plane has landed.

It was a good trip. A trip that we all learned from. Probably even the poor unfortunate souls that were sitting next to me in the planes. I was blessed beyond measure to be a part of Julie's day, and today... Well...

I feel like I've just climbed Mount Everest!

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Things

Life changes all the time. What seems the impossible at one time becomes reality in a New York minute. A few years ago (maybe even just a year ago...okay, maybe it was just a week ago) I never would have pictured myself going even a short distance away from my family for five nights. In less than 48 hours though... I'm boarding a plane and flying half way across the U.S. for FIVE NIGHTS. EEEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!

So, I'm asking for prayer. I'm asking that people pray for me and my anxious heart. I know my boys will all be fine. They will actually DIG all the guy time. They will probably overdose on junk food and not get NEARLY enough sleep as what they need, but they will be fine. I, on the other hand, will be missing them ALL.



I'm excited about seeing my girl friend get married. I have prayed for her and "Mr. Right" for many years, so it will be absolutely AMAZING to get to meet this person that I've prayed for. I will see his face, and become familiar with who he is. I will witness a different kind of happiness in my friend. I will get to see the moment that her life changes... forever. I AM happy about that. I'm blessed to have the means to go be a part of this. I get that.

I'm self admittedly NOT good about new things like this though. I've made that clear on numerous occasions. Just like every other time that I've mentioned it though... I know that this is an area that God finds different ways to challenge me. This is pretty big, so I think I'll get it after this.... hint, hint.... no more challenges like this for awhile... PLEASE!

Thanks for your thoughtful prayers, friends.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Love Wins

Yesterday as we were driving down the freeway, I saw a bumper sticker that read 'Love Wins'. I know that I've seen this sticker before, and I'm sure that there is some significance behind it (besides the obvious truth), but I couldn't help but stop to really think about it yesterday.

Love Wins.

J and I were blessed with a date out this weekend. It started out as just dinner and a movie, then the friend who offered to watch the boys asked if they could stay the night. Ummm... yes. THEN... she called the next morning and asked if she could take them all on a long walk which would mean they wouldn't be ready to pick up until almost NOON. Ummmm.... once again... YES!

We enjoyed dinner out, he agreed to a "chick flick" at the movies (thanks, babe), we came home, stayed up late, got up late, enjoyed a nice breakfast together and went on a long walk together. It was beautiful... Beautiful, un-interupted, re-discovering much needed time together.

J and I have been married for 17 years. We've known each other for almost 21 years. I realized something this weekend though...

Just as taste buds change every seven years, so do people and their likes/dis-likes, hobbies, passions, etc.. My husband and I have seen many changes take place in us and around us since our life together began. However, we don't stop often enough to TALK about those changes. Especially the changes inside of US. We did that this weekend, and it felt SOOOOO good. I felt like I was getting to know him all over again and he was seeing things inside of me that made him feel just as excited.

My hubby is my best friend. He is an incredible person that I am absolutely blessed to call "mine". I fell in love with him many years ago, and as I see things happening in his heart and life on an on-going basis, I fall in love with him all over again.

I'm not oblivious though. I know that many are NOT so blessed to feel the same way about their spouses. That makes me sad. I know that in many people's lives, love is NOT the warrior that wins. I say warrior because at times, that's just what it takes. The world TRIES to win. I believe statistics say that in most cases, unfortunately, the world does win. BUT... if more people took the time to hear their spouses, to really know them and love them where they are at, love would win more.

Isn't that something we can all pray for?

I'm grateful for my Knight In Shining Armor.... My best friend... my love that fights the fight so that in us... Love wins.